ROXIE GETS IT….I brag to everyone how my dog Roxie can be loose around our property whenever we are outside and she stays around us and does not run off to do her own thing. Thank you, to the trainers at LOPCI for teaching me the tools to use and directing me and Roxie with the proper training to have a responsive pet. With your guidence we are both better adjusted and happy. I went into training because I wanted Roxie to be able to be outside when we are and to stay on our property. After graduating from class we continued with what we learned and Roxie just seems to understand she can wander on the grounds but not too far. She is now happy to follow me around as I cut grass or lay in the shade and watch. She will not run into the street to greet people and will watch but leave alone the wildlife. What a pleasure it is to look and see her always within about 50′ from me or my wife. The information learned from the staff of LOPCI during the training class has proven to be be life changing to both our family and Roxie. She has now has a quality of life that we hoped to provide for her. With sincere gratitude to the staff at LOPCI in your caring and loving attitude towards dogs and the success story you have accomplished with Roxie.